

Best Tablet 2011 – Samsung Galaxy Tab – Price Drop

Well in less than another week, and on April 10 you will get a crack at the new and improved pricing of the Samsung Galaxy Tab. The wi-fi model of the Samsung Galaxy Tab is going to be priced at $350 USD. Wow, it’s come a long way from the steep prices and steep contracts. So the question I have for you is, does this price drop on one of the best 2011 tablets make it more desirable to you? Suddenly with this new wi-fi model and pricing, are you planning on buying the Samsung Galaxy Tab? Let us know!
Order the $350 Wi-Fi Samsung Galaxy Tab from Amazon.com
I think the next couple of months is going to be very interesting. This $350 Samasung Galaxy Tab is a complete deal and I wonder how much money they can make selling them at this price. The good news for consumers is that it almost forces everyone else to follow. Can these types of tablets sell at $600 or $700 in big numbers? I think the reality is starting to show. This $350 price is a really big deal. Let’s see how this affects the Xoom’s and other premium tablet prices.


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